Rock Gardens … A Different Kind of Garden

Posted on: 23 May, 2005

Where Should This Garden Go: Typically an ideal spot for a rock garden is on a slope or naturally terraced area with rock formations already in place. However nature has not blessed every home with ... Where Should This Garden Go: Typically an ideal spot for a rock garden is on a slope or naturally terraced area with rock formations already in place. However nature has not blessed every home with this perfect set up which means you will need to create an area from scratch using topsoil and rocks. This can be done most anywhere you choose against a...

Attracting and Caring for Hummingbirds

Posted on: 23 May, 2005

Author: Johann Erickson

The oldest historical mention of hummingbirds likely dates back to the Taino Native Americans, who were reportedly the first humans to greet Columbus when he landed in America. The Taino believe that hummingbirds are the spreaders of life on Earth, and their warriors were known as Colibir, or Hummingbird warriors, because they are a peaceful bird that will defend their territory with the heart of an eagle. How long they have been in America is unknown, but they have delighted bird watchers for many years, with their quick dashes into the garden, and the shine of the sun on brilliant...

Decorative Garden Accents

Posted on: 23 May, 2005

Think of your garden like you would a room in your home. After planning the shape, tilling the soil, choosing the right plants the last step is to add those personal touches. And just like indoors this is accomplished with accessories. What type of accessories or accents you add will depend on what you like and what type of garden you’ve designed. For example in a formal type garden you probably would not add whimsical looking birdhouses or a regal looking statue would look out of place in a cottage style garden. That being said, nothing is written in stone...

The Hosta – A Shade Loving Perennial

Posted on: 23 May, 2005

My first introductions to Hostas were four small green and white clumps edging a small section of my mother- in- laws driveway. I was not terribly impressed, they looked more like scraggly lettuce plants with a few sticks growing out of the middle plus their size never seemed to change from year to year. Fast forward a few years, I now had my own home with visions of gorgeous gardens blooming in my head. The property was surrounded by trees, which we loved not only for the privacy but the house was kept quite cool during the hot summer months....

Hummingbirds … Attracting Those Little Flying Powerhouses

Posted on: 23 May, 2005

While relaxing in a rocking chair with my eyes closed, just enjoying the sun and early warmth I begin to hear a sound off in the distance. At first it’s not recognizable, sounds almost like a hum fr... While relaxing in a rocking chair with my eyes closed, just enjoying the sun and early warmth I begin to hear a sound off in the distance. At first it’s not recognizable, sounds almost like a hum from a model airplane. As it begins to get louder I’m beginning to think I know what the source of this strange noise is. I...

Water Conservation in the Yard

Posted on: 21 May, 2005

What are you doing to help conserve this precious commodity? Often we don't appreciate something until it's gone! That can really be true with water. Taken for granted when it is plentiful, its impor... What are you doing to help conserve this precious commodity? Often we don't appreciate something until it's gone! That can really be true with water. Taken for granted when it is plentiful, its importance is truly appreciated in the garden once it becomes scarce. If you find yourself in a drought, there are some things you can do to help conserve water and make the best...

Grow Carnivorous Plants with Conviction

Posted on: 19 May, 2005


In high school, my music teacher taught us that if you are going to make a mistake, do it with ... he meant by that was that if our mistakes sounded sheepish and ... we were most li In high school, my music teacher taught us that if you are going to make a mistake, do it with conviction.What he meant by that was that if our mistakes sounded sheepish and tentative, we were most likely playing sheepishly and tentatively, which ruined the overall effect of the performance.But, if our mistakes were loud and obvious, then most likely we were...

Spice up your Garden with Rare Flowering Bulbs

Posted on: 19 May, 2005

Author: Josh Gray

Any ... gardener knows the secret to a ... garden is in the bulbs. ... bulbs are usually quite hardy and ... and can provide the most amazing shower of spring and ... Any experienced gardener knows the secret to a beautiful garden is in the bulbs. Flowering bulbs are usually quite hardy and undemanding and can provide the most amazing shower of spring and summertime colors. Bulbs naturally package all the essentials they need to flourish and grow. All that’s required is warming temperatures to bring the bulbs out of dormancy. The great thing about bulbs is the wide...

Build A Simple Planter Box

Posted on: 19 May, 2005

Love flowers, but don't have the space -- or the desire -- to plant a garden? You may want to try making your own flower box, which can be just about any size you ... planter box is built with a Love flowers, but don't have the space -- or the desire -- to plant a garden? You may want to try making your own flower box, which can be just about any size you wish.This planter box is built with a top and a bottom exterior frame; then you affix cedar panels to the frame and add bottom panels....

Care of Moth Orchids

Posted on: 19 May, 2005

Do you have a knack for being with moths? Most people would say, "no way". Yet, the moth orchids that I am talking about are the ones that sway nicely in the breeze and some of the newer hybrids have Do you have a knack for being with moths? Most people would say, "no way". Yet, the moth orchids that I am talking about are the ones that sway nicely in the breeze and some of the newer hybrids have a nice fragrance. These moths are easy to care for, especially a beginner. These moths are found very frequently in...